Dental Bonding: An Inside Look Into What It Is, How It Works, and How Long It Lasts?

Dental Bonding: An Inside Look Into What It Is, How It Works, and How Long It Lasts?

October 1, 2021

One of the most striking facial features that you possess is your smile. So, when something’s off with your teeth, it can snuff the life from your smile. Your confidence levels will plummet, and you might find yourself steering clear from social gatherings. Whenever you have dental issues such as crack, chips, tooth discoloration, etc., you might need dental composite bonding to help restore your smile.

Composite resin bonding is an ingenious way of dealing with minor cosmetic flaws. The procedure is fast, pain-free, and guarantees immediate results. These minor flaws must be dealt with to ensure that your teeth serve for even much longer.

What Issues Arise Because of Chipped or Cracked Teeth?

When you have cracked or chipped teeth, several dental health and cosmetic issues may arise.

For instance, cracked teeth will mar your smile and can make you self-conscious. You might not feel free to laugh, speak, or even smile around people you have known for years. What could be worse is if your profession requires that you have a perfect set of pearly whites.

When it comes to dental health, a crack or chip can weaken a tooth, making it susceptible to fractures. Then, your teeth may become more sensitive, mainly when some pressure is applied to the teeth or if your teeth are exposed to extreme temperatures.

How Does Dental Bonding Work?

Dental composite bonding is among the services offered within cosmetic dentistry. It is a pain-free and straightforward procedure that involves applying composite resin to affected teeth. Resin is tooth-colored and is essentially painted over your teeth to correct a myriad of dental imperfections.

Composite bonding teeth will save you a buck since it’s an inexpensive method of revamping cracked, chipped, or discolored teeth compared to veneers and tooth crowns.

Composite resin has been the perfect material for carrying out dental bonding since it is pliable, meaning that our dentist can shape and polish it to make your bonded teeth blend in with the rest.

Dental bonding is used in two main ways:

  • Adhesive bonding. This is when the composite resin is used to attach dental crowns, veneers, and bridges to your teeth
  • Direct composite bonding. This refers to the process of restoring flawed teeth using composite resin.

What Issues Are Corrected Using Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is virtually suitable for anyone. However, some candidates will be perfect for the procedure. You can reap the benefits of dental bonding if:

  • You desire to cover the roots where there is gum recession
  • You wish to elongate your teeth
  • You want to protect chipped and cracked teeth
  • You desire dental bonding for gaps
  • You have dental cavities and desire to use resin as a tooth filling
  • You wish to reshape your teeth
  • You want to improve the dental aesthetics of severely stained teeth

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

Composite resin is not such a sturdy material, but it can serve you well if you care for your teeth. After the procedure, you will be given some guidelines that will help you protect them from cracking, chipping, or getting stained.

Plus, it’s vital to know that they were not designed to last forever. Therefore, expect to redo your teeth after several years. In any case, they can serve for three to ten years.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bonding?

As you know by now, dental bonding is a fantastic way of dealing with minor dental issues. When you decide to walk down this road, expect to reap the following benefits:

  • The procedure is quick, and within a single visit, you will come out with a brand new smile
  • It is a relatively inexpensive way of rectifying dental imperfections as compared to veneers or crowns
  • The procedure is pain-free, and there is no need to use anesthesia, not unless you will be using composite resin as a tooth filling
  • The procedure is not invasive as getting dental veneers and dental crowns

If you are looking for a quick and effective method to revamp your smile, composite resin bonding is the way to go. Therefore, if you desire to upgrade your smile, contact our dentist at Family Smile Dental Center to schedule an appointment.